2020-08-29 11:09:51 UTC
What kind of licenses am I allowed to use if I implement my own c compiler using the book version of lcc: "A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation"?
I've been planing to write a c compiler for some time now and "A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation" seems like the best starting point.
Ideally I'd license the code under gpl, but I don't think that's possible given the license of lcc. Idk how it works with the book given that I don't just copy/fork the code, but rewrite it in my own style, change where I feel changes are needed and plan to add support for newer versions of c.
I've been planing to write a c compiler for some time now and "A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation" seems like the best starting point.
Ideally I'd license the code under gpl, but I don't think that's possible given the license of lcc. Idk how it works with the book given that I don't just copy/fork the code, but rewrite it in my own style, change where I feel changes are needed and plan to add support for newer versions of c.